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All About Fire Extinguishers

All About Fire Extinguishers

All About Fire Extinguishers

All About Fire Extinguishers

Portable extinguishers can be used to put out hundreds of fires that are unavoidable every day. Being aware of the various types of extinguishers, as well as the best time to use them could allow you to protect a structure or even save lives. It is crucial to remember that in the event of a fire, the priority is to get everyone out of the structure safely. There are some things you must know before we get into the extinguishers.

The 5 Fire Classes

All About Fire Extinguishers

In the beginning, you should be aware of various kinds of fires. Each agent for fire extinguishing is specially designed to work with the specific “class” in the fire. The label of the product should identify what type(s) of fire it is suitable to be used for. Always follow the directions to ensure that you’re making use of the extinguisher in the manner intended.

  • Class A – Combustibles that are not normally flammable.
    • Wood, paper, cloth, trash, plastics
  • Class B Gases and liquids that are flammable
    • Petroleum oil, gasoline paint, propane-butane
    • Not included in cooking oil.
  • Class C – Electrical equipment that is energized
    • Transformers, motors, appliances, and appliances
  • Class D – Combustible metals
    • Aluminum, sodium, potassium magnesium
  • Class K – Kitchen applications
    • Grease and cooking oils animal fats vegetable fats

Warning The use of an extinguisher that is not appropriate for the fire class could result in the flame growing, spreading, or even exploding.

Fire Triangle

The Fire Triangle is composed of heat, oxygen, and fuel, the three essential elements of a fire. If one or more of these elements are eliminated the fire could be slowed or quelled. Thus, every extinguisher aims to remove any one or more of these three elements.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

There are eight main types of extinguishers for fires:

All About Fire Extinguishers
  • Foam and water – Extinguishers for fireworks by taking the essential heat element from the triangle of fire.
    • Use for Class A fires only.
  • CO2 – Fire extinguishers take out the oxygen element as well as the heat element out of the triangle of fire.
    • Use for class B and C fires
  • Dry Chemical – Fire extinguishers are the standard ABC extinguishers that the majority of people know about. They are used to stop chemical reactions involving heat fuel and oxygen. The extinguishers also act as a barrier between oxygen and the fuel components within the triangle.
    • It is used on Class A, B, and C fires
  • Wet Chemical –  Fire extinguishers take heat out of the triangle, and prevent ignition by establishing barriers between oxygen and the fuel elements. They are typically employed to put out fires caused by grease inside commercial kitchens.
    • Use for Class A and K fires
  • Clean Agents – or Halogenated extinguishers stop the chemical reaction that occurs in the triangle of fire.
    • Use for class B and C fires
  • Dry Powder – Extinguishers that are like dry chemicals, except they operate by separating the fuel from oxygen, or by taking heat from the triangle of fire.
    • Use only on Classes D fires only
  • Water Mist – Extinguishers take the heat element from the fire triangle. They also are a good alternative to extinguishers that are clean when there is concern about contamination.
    • Use for Classes A and C-class fires
  • Cartridge Operating Dry Chemical – Extinguishers are generally used in harsh environments that require more durability than the typical extinguishers that are pressure dry.
    • Use for class B and C fires

10 Tips for Using a Fire Extinguisher

All About Fire Extinguishers
  1. Before you use a fire extinguisher, be sure to sound the alarm for fire and determine the safe route to evacuate.
  2. Use only a portable fire extinguisher if the fire is contained in a tiny space.
  3. Be sure to ensure that the extinguishers you have are placed in easily accessible areas.
  4. Don’t be affixed to the plastic discharge horn that is on CO2 extinguishers because it gets very cold and may cause skin damage.
  5. Don’t use a fire extinguisher if the method of evacuation fails.
  6. Always keep an escape path behind you.
  7. Extinguishers of Class A and B come with a numerical rating which shows the amount of fire they can put out.
  8. Extinguishers are typically found in corridors, in huge rooms, directly from mechanical spaces, and even inside large vehicles for heavy equipment.
  9. Even if you just utilized a small amount of the agent and you only used a small amount, you need to be able to report the extinguisher’s use. Some extinguishers do not keep a charge after a short usage.
  10. Fire extinguishers need to be checked maintained and checked regularly in accordance with NFPA 10.

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

All About Fire Extinguishers

When using a fire extinguisher, review the directions of the package. There are a variety of extinguishers that are suitable for various fires. If misused, they could make the fire grow, spread, or even explode. Once you’ve activated the alarm to alert you to a fire and have confirmed a safe escape route it is possible to employ a fire extinguisher at the safety of a distance to douse the flame. All About Fire Extinguishers.

An effective way to remember the proper use of an extinguisher for fire is to use the abbreviation “PASS: Pull the pin in the handle, Aim the nozzle, Squeeze the handle, and Sweep in a side-to-side motion. All About Fire Extinguishers.

Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance

NFPA 10, standards, require that all fire extinguishers used in the workplace be tested, inspected, and maintained regularly.

Monthly – Extinguishers should be inspected every month to ensure that they are free of damage, pressure is correct, damaged seals, the correct condition of the nozzle and hose, and a record of the inspections.

Annual – Inspections every year are mandatory and require the inspectors to ensure that the extinguisher’s pressure is at a minimum and unaffected and is properly weighted. Inspections at the annual level also include a test of the pull of the pin and a replacement of the seal, as well as a current inspection tag. If the extinguisher does not comply with these standards then it should be replaced.

Six-Year Maintenance – Extinguishers that store the contents of a pressurized agent should be empty and replaced every 6 years. 6-year maintenance demands a careful inspection of both the exterior and interior and should be completed within 72 months of the date of manufacturing. All About Fire Extinguishers.

Hydrostatic Test – Extinguishers that store specific chemicals like HAlon, dry chemicals, or a combination of both have to be tested for hydrostatics every 12 years. CO2 units should be inspected and tested hydrostatically every five years.

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All About Fire Extinguishers
All About Fire Extinguishers
All About Fire Extinguishers
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Fire Extinguishers,fire prevention,fire prevention tips,fire safety,safety tips
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