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Construction Entry Letter

Construction guidelines are evolving rapidly.  Some are moving in a progressive direction, while others are seemingly sending us back to the stone ages.  However, one thing remains constant, and that is the need for comprehensive strategies to meet fire-safety obligations for permit requirements, value engineering, and most of all, the safety of our residents, and end-users, their guests, loved ones, and patrons.

We are no longer bound by the fire-resistant limitations of wood and other sub-Class A construction materials.  Imagine being able to deliver a conventionally constructed, wood and structural steel building that is completely A-Rated from a fire-safety vantage.  New technology utilized in NeroShieldTM has made this possible.

We all know that a Class A rating indicates a flame spread rating somewhere between zero and 25. Materials that fall into Class A or Class 1 include things like brick, gypsum wallboard, and fiber cement exterior materials.

NeroShieldTM has the capability of elevating the flame retarding and heat transference performance of sub-Class A materials. This performance increase can eliminate the need for the cumbersome pursuit of ratings achieved via systems that are constructed of sub-assemblies and workarounds that interfere with functional and aesthetic intent, increase labor and material costs, and quite often burden completion schedules to the point of fiscal obsolescence.  

Architects and fire-safety engineers will benefit from increased design freedoms, proprietary design capabilities, and customizable formulations to treat steel beams, headers, abutting members, and contiguous materials in such a manner as to provide unrestrained design possibility while offering the absolute highest fire-safety rating possible.

Conceptually, encapsulating a steel beam in layers of wood and gypsum to achieve a two-hour fire rating represents an archaic approach toward solving a problem.  There are inherent difficulties and technical shortcomings to this methodology that though offering on the surface, an answer to the requirement, fall well short of practical and effective measures of accomplishing this aim.  In the pursuit of subassembly If one layer of gypsum offers one hour, then in theory, a second should double the rating.  

Not only is this not accurate, but it is a potentially risky approach that is as unnecessary as it is regressive.  Though as an industry, we have convinced ourselves to construct to minimums and to approach fire-safety considerations summarily and with a mind toward completion under budget, on schedule, and upon the path of least resistance, there is another way to check each of these boxes and do so with a guaranteed, measurable solution that changes the game.

Speak to a NeroShieldTM approved fire solutions specialist today!

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