Different Types of Fire Phenomenon

Different Types of Fire Phenomena

Different Types of Fire Phenomenon

Different Types of Fire Phenomenon

The way fire behaves within a closed area is called a fire phenomenon. Fire can ignite gaseous or solid fuel.

During a fire, the fire will be controlled by the quantity of fuel present within the surroundings, considering that the oxidant would be left behind. The roles are altered over this time, due to the high oxidant consumption, and this is the primary element’s fire limiter.

There are three kinds of fire phenomena. They are:

Flashover: It may occur within the first 5 minutes after the fire has started, dependent on the airflow, and occurs as the fire expands instead of being localized.

Backdraft: It’s an explosive process that happens when there is an abrupt introduction of an oxidant into the area where oxidants are not present.

The ignition of fire gases is a common energy supply. For example, flame or heat in an oxidizing smoke.

Three phases in fire:

The initial phase: Regardless of how the fire starts and continues to progress, in its initial phase, the level of oxygen in the atmosphere is at its peak, at 20 percent. Water evaporates as well as the gas, carbon dioxide, which is flammable, (CO2) as well as carbon monoxide (CO) are created through fire.

Free burning is one of the stages of fire that is where the convection effect occurs. This occurs when warm air rises and allows cool air to get into the lowest parts of the room.

Slow-burning: the flame continues to burn oxygen after a start of free-burning until an oxidizing substance, usually air, is not enough to sustain it.

Tags :
fire,fire prevention,prevention tips,types of fires
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